Commandery 806

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Welcome to Commandery 806

a sub commandery of the Knights of St. John's International, Port Harcourt Grand Commandery

In The Name Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit.

In Your Strength, O Lord, The Just Man Shall Exalt And In Your Salvation He Shall Rejoice Exceedingly, You Have Giving Him His Heart Desires. We Beseech Thee, O Lord, That Every Thought, Word And Action Which We Offer In Memory Of The Sufferings Of Your Holy Martyr, St. John The Baptist, May By His Intercession Profit Us Unto Salvation, Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who Live And Reign With You In The Unity Of The Holy Spirit, God, World Without End, Amen. In The Name Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Top Officers

Major General (Prof) Remy Uche

Major General (Prof) Remy Uche

Supreme Subordinate President (SSP) Nigeria

Brigadier Gen. Emmanuel Okene

Brigadier Gen. Emmanuel Okene

Grand President, Port Harcourt Grand Commandery

GRP N/Sr. Christy Iwuoha

GRP N/Sr. Christy Iwuoha

Port Harcourt Grand Laux Respected President

Commandery Officers

These are gallant officers carrying on the mandate of KSJI in this great Commandery

Cocodia Ignatius
Ebitimi Perezi
Joseph Asigo
Gabriel Ororogha
Pius Sinebe
Emmanuel Sinebe
Emmanuel Fynecountry
Peter Pinnick
Felix Ebakor
John Ongoro
Bimbo Aboye
Cyprian Aboye
Ernie Onwumere
Patrick Asonye
Oliko Samuel
Pone Oyindeinyefa
Abel Tarakiriowei
Joseph Appeal

Upcoming Events

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